by Angela
the secret is to
the secret is to draw yourself a steaming hot bath
so hot it prickles your skin
add in the Epsom salts and the pink Himalayan
swirl in some frankincense oil
fire up the tea lights open the skylight a crack
then shut your eyes and let the
hot water take you away
maybe you drift off so far you
find yourself asleep
the secret is to follow the dark
the tense the uncomfortable
let it wash over you
anoint you with its words
how to write a poem:
drip oil onto your naked flash
as if your body is indeed a temple
adorn yourself
mix a brew of bay leaf tea—
a few days after plucking so the
green leaves crisp up
i n h a l e deeply
and yes
stare out of the window
Pay attention
What speaks to you?
Touches you?
Moves through you?
grab those little wisps
grab your favourite pen and
notebook and off you go
or speak what you sense
into the voice memo
on your phone
catch the beauty
the sudden flock of birds
that cross the sky
the warmth of the sun—
a long forgotten memory
Keep looking
Keep noticing
Keep paying attention
the poem will find you—
chase you down or
gently nudge your pen
into this ink shape
or that ink shape
how to write a poem?
start by living a life
open the curtains
let the misty day
greet you
Read: Cathy Colman’s ‘How To’ (scroll down a bit … it’s the 8th poem down)